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Shakespeare's Globe

Open Access Arts are once more collaborating with Shakespeare's Globe for Sonnet Sunday on September 2, inviting service users from St Mungo’s and Wandsworth Recovery and Outreach WCDAS | Wandsworth Consortium.

What it's all about...

On Sonnet Sunday, the Globe Isle becomes home to all 154 of Shakespeare’s sonnets. The Dark Ladies, Sweet Youths and Saucy Jacks of our sonnet ensemble will haunt the building, hidden in the secret nooks and capering on the familiar stages of the Globe.

This is a special opportunity to experience this building, this poetry, and our creative ensemble in an utterly unique way. The day is also a celebration of our local and wider community, as groups from Borough Market, Bermondsey and further afield join the actors in a celebration of this beautiful collection of Shakespeare’s verse.


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